Dr Sudhir Singh,MS

Dr. Sudhir Singh is one of the renowned ophthalmologists worldwide. He completed his MBBS , M. S. Ophthalmology from SMS Medical College Jaipur. He was trained in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus by Orbis International.



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IntraTunnel Phacofracture MSICS

Intratunnel Phacofracture Technique of the Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery

Intratunnel phacofracture technique is a new technique of the manual small incision cataract surgery (MSICS).In this technique nucleus is broken inside the 4 to 6 mm wide sclero-corneal tunnel with the help of the Lewis lens loop. MSICS is significantly faster, less expensive, and less technology-dependent than phacoemulsification and has been extensively practiced in developing countries such as India. However, the drawback of most commonly practiced MSICS techniques Blumenthal, visco-expression, irrigating wire vectis, and fish-hook needle is that they all require a large incision of 7 to 9 mm, which leads to induced astigmatism. The Intratunnel Phacofracture technique was innovated by Dr Sudhir Singh1,2


Intratunnel Phacofracture: A New MSICS Technique (EyeWiki)



White Intumescent Cataract Management: My Approach 

ISBN: 9798201376215

Posterior Polar Cataract Management: My Approach

ISBN: 9798201084349

Cataract And Small Pupil Management Manual Techniques
ISBN: 9798201201784


Posterior Polar Cataract Management Dr Sudhir Singh



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Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgeries


 Squint Surgeries

Combined Surgery

Ocular Anesthesia 












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Dr. Sudhir Singh,MS

Sr. Consultant & HOD

JW Global Hospital $ Research Centre

Mount Abu India


